How to: Start a conversation in Qatar

How long have you been in Qatar?”
Well, if you’ve been long enough, then you would know that this is the second most asked question between ex-pats in here.

If you’ve been really long enough then you would know what is the number one most asked question. You guessed it…

Where are you from?”
To some, these might be probing questions, but you stick around enough and you learn, that most people in this region are not stalkers, but good folks trying to establish a common ground.

This week, and on a daily basis, I have been meeting people from different nationalities on the tracks, and these questions kept on finding their way, through the fabric of the masks.

It is wonderful when you know that you have so much in common with a stranger who is an empty seat away from you. It’s surprising to realise that “hey! I might be actually doing business with this guy” which brings me to the third most asked question…

What do you do here?
Among the many things, I do 🙂 The moment they hear: “I actually have a blog called The Metro Culture I get this “You! You! You!” (In Robert De Niro’s voice in the movie Analyze this) and the whole conversation switches to a new lane. Many people want to contribute in their own way and share their Doha Metro experiences as well.

This was the motivation to write this piece! And, as I am not going to meet on track all the Dohans adopting The Metro Culture I wanted you to know that we are looking for people to contribute with us and help us in growing this culture.

Want to start conversations via our blog?

Get in touch with us if:

You want to write an article.
You have an interesting story and you want to be featured.
You have an idea/collaboration and you want to share it with us.

I am Charbel Najem and my partner Natalie Wherlock are waiting to hear from you!

About the author

A Doha resident for the past 12 years. I've seen this city grow, and I am proud that I took part in it.

Doha Metro was the biggest thing that ever happened in here and I was super excited about it. I Deeply and genuinely believe that the Metro is a culture-changing factor, and way more than point A to point B medium.

- Practice what you preach - I use the metro on a daily basis!


  1. Hello,

    I am very interested in writing an article about my experience in Qatar as I’ve been here around 12 years old and have seen the country, the culture and the people change year by year.
    Let me know if this is something you would be interested in.

    Thank you,

    1. Hi Lara

      Yes, we’d love to include your article. You can send it to
      You might like to share your favourite spots, best place to relax, restaurants you always go back to… or anything you might want to share with others.
      Looking forward to hearing from you.


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